Confined Space Cleaning
We deployed our Specialist Confined Space Team to carry out the annual clean to horizontal and vertical ductwork for a Blue Chip Automotive Company.
The task is to remove the build up of paint bi product from the extraction ductwork, one of the ducts we have to clean has a potentially volatile atmosphere. Whilst cleaning inside this duct, all equipment we use is ATEX rated and or intrinsically safe and anti static.
We supplied our client with a detailed SSOW Safe System of Work including a Risk Assessment, Method Statement & Rescue Plan...... a LOTO Lock Out Tag Out is also part of the SSOW.
All works on this site are overseen by x2
Confined Space Supervisors trained to City & Guilds Level 4 972
Our team will be on tis project for the next 7 days cleaning hundreds of metres of ducting.
We deployed our Specialist Confined Space Team to carry out the annual clean to horizontal and vertical ductwork for a Blue Chip Automotive Company.
The task is to remove the build up of paint bi product from the extraction ductwork, one of the ducts we have to clean has a potentially volatile atmosphere. Whilst cleaning inside this duct, all equipment we use is ATEX rated and or intrinsically safe and anti static.
We supplied our client with a detailed SSOW Safe System of Work including a Risk Assessment, Method Statement & Rescue Plan...... a LOTO Lock Out Tag Out is also part of the SSOW.
All works on this site are overseen by x2
Confined Space Supervisors trained to City & Guilds Level 4 972
Our team will be on tis project for the next 7 days cleaning hundreds of metres of ducting.