Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Concrete Inspection using Rope Access Techniques

Building Inspections using Rope Access- Complete Access Industrial Services

We have been delivering building inspections to a number of installations throughout the West Midlands........

This consisted of :

full safety defect surveys - cover, sample, carb - hammer sound test, ferroscans, core samples, removal of loose substrate and break outs.

defect survey

safety defect survey with removal of loose substrate

cover meter survey to detect depth of re bar
drilling for carb testing
core sampling


Saturday, 10 August 2013

Rope Access Confined Space Entry

Rope Access Confined Space Entry 

Rope Access Confined Space Entry  is THE safest and most economical means of entering a vertical confined space to carry out inspection, survey or cleaning !

We have carried out Confined Space Inspection & Cleaning to vertical structures for over 8 years.

We supply our clients with a detailed SSOW Safe System of Work including a Risk Assessment, Method Statement & Rescue Plan...... a LOTO Lock Out Tag Out is also part of the SSOW if required...... We can also provide a site specific PTW Permit to Work if one is not in place.

Our Specialist Entry Team are trained to IRATA Standards with 1000;s of rope access hours logged each and all have years of Confined Space Entry & Supervision Skills to offer our clients the right level of Professionalism,