Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Building Inspection using Rope Access by Complete Access

Building Inspection using Rope Access

We have been tasked today to undertake a building survey      
to Kidderminster Hospital

the task involved numerous cover sample carb tests and then break outs to expose re-bar to determine exact condition and type of re-bar used




Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Rope Access Building Inspections Wolverhampton

Rope Access Building Inspections -Wolverhampton

We deployed our Specialist Rope Access Building Inspection Team to Wolverhampton this week .... we were tasked to carry out a full defect survey, 10 cover, sample and carb tests along with removal of any loose substrate.....

After the  Rope Access Building Survey  was completed ........Due to the close proximity to pedestrian thoroughfares ....we were tasked to attach safety debris netting to both front and rear elevations ...... our Specialist Rope Access Technicians are also installing this


Thursday, 10 October 2013

Rope Access Building Defect Surveys

Rope Access Building Defect Surveys

We have been delivering Rope Access Building Defect Surveys for a number of Local Council Authorities for the last four years under contract.

We are at the start of a contract to provide defect surveys to 55 Tower Blocks in the Birmingham conurbation....... all using our Specialist Rope Access Team ....each block usually takes 2-3 days

Defects are all referenced, recorded in writing and photographed.